Leather Embroidery to A.D. 1600

by Ken Stuart (kps1@cornell.edu)

Last updated: March 25, 2024

This site presents an ongoing effort to catalog every known embroidered leather item up to about A.D. 1600.

To-date, some 125 archaeological sources have provided information about various kinds of embroidered leather items, mostly shoes. Over 260 articles and books have been consulted while tracking down details on these artifacts and looking for potential additions to the knowledge base. About a dozen web sites have been located and accessed to view and learn about some of them via high-resolution photographs. Further, some museums have been contacted about obtaining modern photos of various items, and provided images for clearer understanding of artifacts.

More details about the results will be made public in the near future, pending outcomes of discussions with a publisher. If you would like to be notified when that happens, contact the author at the email address above.

Criteria for inclusion / exclusion

Table of helpful terms

When researching scholarly articles, it can be helpful to have a table of words and phrases that might be useful in searching them for relevant discussion. So far, I have found related articles in the following non-English languages.

LanguageEmbroideryLeatherDecorative thread / seam
Czech (cs)výšivka / vyšívanékůžeozdobná nit
Dutch (nl)borduurwerk / borduursel / geborduurdeleer
French (fr)broderiecuir
German (de)stickerei / bestickung / besticktlederZiersteppereien / Ziernaht
Italian (it)ricamopelle
Lithuanian (lt)siuvinėjimasodą
Norwegian (no)broderi / brodertelærpyntesøm
Polish (pl)haft / haftemskóra
Russian (ru)вышивкакожадекоративный шов
Spanish (es)bordadocuero
Swedish (sv)broderiläderdekorsöm
Turkish (th)nakışderi

Copyright 2023-2024 Ken Stuart